My Journey to Australia continues with an important new chapter.

Love Energy is a strong PhotoVoltaics industry player and is positively changing our world into a greener society, by offering excellent solutions and outstanding customer service.

Recent data suggests that 50 x 50 sq Km covered with 10% efficiency PhotoVoltaics could satisfy the whole country energy needs.

10% efficiency PV translates to cheap "low cost" technology of yesteryears. Today, the average commercial panel efficiency lies between 13 and 16%.

But that 50 x 50 sq Km need not necessarily be deployed in the middle of the Outback, since this would imply high infrastructure costs.

The easy alternative? Your roof. Easy as that.

Germany's roofs already generate 24GW (GIGA WATTS!) of clean PV energy. And especially when it is mostly needed. Imagine what Australia can do!

That said, I can't hide the fact I'm excited to share experiences with my new colleagues and offer my active contribution to the success of Love Energy's mission.

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